Rodi Ermionis / Ρόδι Ερμιόνης PDO

Rodi Ermionis PDO is a variety of pomegranate from the Ermionida region in Greece. The fruit is round and the colour of the peel varies from pale yellow, pink to red. Inside, it has pink seeds that are soft and chewy. The fruit itself is sweet and juicy.
Rodi Ermionis PDO are harvested by hand to avoid bruising their soft fine skin. The dry and warm climate of the region and the composition of the soil contribute to fruit’s characteristics.
This fruit can be prepared by scoring around the middle with a sharp knife and tearing it open into halves to reveal the seeds inside. They can then be removed by tapping the skin with a wooden spoon, squeezing a little to release the seeds. The jewel-like seeds are ideal for livening up salads, as a garnish on main courses, and in drinks and desserts.