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Danablu PGI

Origin: Denmark
DENMARK - Danablu

Danablu PGI (Danish Blue Cheese) is a semi-soft, light, creamy blue cheese that can only be produced in Denmark from Danish milk and at approved dairies. It is white to ivory in colour with blue and green threads created by mould.

It is made from raw cow's milk and homogenized cream, with added bacteria, cultures and natural rennet. During production, the fresh cheese is dotted with copper wires or rods and gently turned every 3 days to provide oxygen to the mould culture for 5-6 weeks. The holes can still be seen when the finished wheel is cut open. Although it does not develop a rind, it has a tight and firm outer layer. 

Danablu PGI has a milder flavour than the Roquefort (French blue cheese) and is characterised by a sharp, salty taste. It is often served crumbled on salads or as a dessert cheese with fruit. In Denmark, it is also served on bread or savoury biscuits. It has two different shapes: flat cylindrical and rectangular.  

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